Scottish Entertainment / Actor News
This week in SEAN: video of Craig Ferguson on Lopez Tonight, casting news from Ewan, Gerry and David Tennant’s new projects and Gerry attends the CNN Heroes Tribute with Kevin McKidd to pay tribute to the inspirational brothers behind Mary’s Meals.
Saba I.
November 23, 2010
Scottish Entertainment / Actor News
This week in SEAN, news of James McAvoy’s christmas film, photos of Gerry Butler, Billy Boyd’s new Oz poster, clips of Alan Cumming on Fallon and Craig Ferguson on ‘The Talk’, and details of Ewen McGregor’s forthcoming appearance on Craig’s show.
Saba I.
November 9, 2010
This Week in SEAN
This week in Scottish Entertainment / Actor News, three of our favourite Scottish actors are named in a Best Dressed List, David Tennant’s ‘Single Father’ arrives, Kevin McKidd is in Austin, Texas and John Hannah features in the new Spartacus promotions.
Saba I.
October 5, 2010
This Week in Scottish Entertainment / Actor News
This week in SEAN, an interview with Robert Carlyle about the new season of Stargate Universe, James McAvoy talks about the new X-Men film, and a clip from Ewan McGregor’s new Battle of Britain documentary. And remember, if you want to watch live and on-demand UK TV, try Expat Surfer free for 3 days.
Saba I.
September 28, 2010
Scottish Entertainment / Actor News
This week in SEAN, new clips of Henry Ian Cusick in Law & Order, new photos and clips of James McAvoy in Robert Redford’s The Conspirator, and interviews with Kevin McKidd at the Toronto International Film Festival. Saba has all the details:
Saba I.
September 21, 2010
Scottish Entertainment / Actor News
This week in SEAN, Alan Cumming features on ‘Who Do You Think You Are’, photos of James McAvoy in Toronto, new clips from Ewan McGregor’s ‘Beginners’, and news of Kevin McKidd’s latest project ‘Indian Summer’ set in the Scottish Highlands in 1967. Saba has the details:
Saba I.
September 14, 2010
You Have Been Watching… Shallow Grave
Before Trainspotting there was Shallow Grave, Scotland’s filmic John the Baptist if you like. The 1980s had been pretty barren in terms of Scottish cinema, Bill Forsyth aside. Even those films that were being made, such as the previously featured Restless Natives and Soft Top, Hard Shoulder, did not do significant box office.
Alistair Braidwood
September 10, 2010
This Week in Scottish Entertainment / Actor News
This week in SEAN, Alan Cumming, Henry Ian Cusick, David Tennant and Kevin McKidd invade the Emmys, Ewan McGregor’s prison romance film with Jim Carrey finally gets a release date and Big Sean turns 80.
Saba I.
August 31, 2010
This Week in SEAN
This week in Scottish Entertainment / Actor News, well, it looks like like most of our favourite actors have gone on holiday. Still, there is news on James McAvoy playing a young Patrick Stewart in the new X-Men film, a John Barrowman interview and more photos of Ewan in Beginners.
Saba I.
August 24, 2010