- The Crooks and Clowns of Copland Road Craig Whyte has never met Prince Albert. That’s one of many unnecessary things I learned from the latest “BBC Investigates” documentary about a decade of murky dealings at Rangers. The recent SFA disciplinary tribunal report detailed shocking lapses in corporate governance inside Rangers FC plc, but Mark Daly’s new program focused on the cast of […]
- This Month in SEAN – Highlights of Craig Ferguson’s visit to Scotland This month in Scottish Entertainment and Actor News (SEAN) we have highlights from Craig Ferguson’s recent trip to Scotland. Clips below include an interview with First Minister Alex Salmond, a visit with Greyfriars Bobby, and a trip to Craig’s old school Cumbernauld High (with subtitles).
- The Rogues Who Ruined Rangers Imagine you are the financial controller of a multi-million pound corporation. You discover that your new boss might have forged tax invoices for payments that were never made. What do you do? I’d like to think I’d call the cops. But if you’re Ken Olverman, the man in charge of counting the diminished pile of […]
- Dilemma of the Damned In 1996, Madeline Albright, then Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State, was asked if she thought the death of half a million Iraqi children due to United Nation sanctions was a price worth paying in the cold war against Saddam Hussein. Her answer, amid much humming and ha’ing, was basically: “Yes”. Albright later castigated herself for […]
- Indelible Ink: Zoe Strachan’s ‘Spin Cycle’ Novels set in Glasgow often play up to the grittier side of the city. Ever since the success of ‘No Mean City’ writers would ramp up the violence, hard drinking and gang culture as if these were somehow unique to my home town. But in the last 20 years there have been many Glasgow novels […]