Sons & Daughters supported The Pixies last night in Glasgow and next weekend they will join Glasvegas to headline the Vena Festival in Poland. Below, Radio Scotland’s Vic Galloway highlights Sons & Daughters as his pick of all the Scottish international gigs this week.

Glasgow’s Sons & Daughters are now almost royalty back home having signed to the ever-consistent Domino Records (also home to fellow Scots Franz Ferdinand, James Yorkston, King Creosote & UNPOC), and having released 3 excellent LP’s so far.

Take 2 boys, 2 girls some dark country, gothic rockabilly, glam rock and a twist of indie and you start to get the idea.They love The Cramps, Johnny Cash and David Lynch as well and their live performances are even better than their recordings.

With an intensity and pent-up sexual release you don’t often see the likes of this onstage. They should have new material coming out soon, so this could be a good time to hear a mix of oldies and newies. Check them out at the Vena Festival in Łódź and be impressed!

Also on tour this week: Pictish Trail, Malcolm Middleton, We Were Promised Jetpacks, Twilight Sad, Colin MacIntyre, Camera Obscura, Twin Atlantic, Mogwai, Shitdisco, Glasvegas, Broken Records, Alex Smoke, Snow Patrol, Hostage and Travis. See all dates below.


Check out Vic on BBC Radio every week:

Monday Night 8.05pm-10pm, BBC Radio Scotland
Vic has The Vaselines in session.

Wednesday Night Midnight-2am, BBC Radio 1 in Scotland
Vic has The Low Miffs and Malcolm Ross in Session in Session.

More Vic at

Scottish Bands on Tour this week

[scotlandontour_thisweek startdate=”20091005″ enddate=”20091011″]


Watch the full concert at

photo credit : Stefano Masseli