Vic Galloway describes Broken Records as having “a sound that mixes up the emotive, propulsive energy of Arcade Fire, adds the worldy swing of Beirut and combines it with the epic, sincere songwriting of The Waterboys“.
Last year we spoke with Ian Turnbull from Broken Records ahead of the band’s European tour:
Dear Scotland: Do you feel more Scottish when you are abroad, or do you adapt well to new places? Anything you’ll miss about Scotland?
Ian Turnbull, Broken Records: I don’t know if we feel any more Scottish when we’re outside Scotland, although strangely enough when we did a tour round England with The Twilight Sad it did have a bit of a ‘Scots Abroad’ feel to it! We’re all pretty adaptable and like seeing new places, and if we have the time we do enjoy trying to have a good look around when we’re not playing. Apart from missing my wife I don’t really get too homesick for Scotland because I know we’re coming back. However, I think after a couple of weeks away Andy might really enjoy his first Irn Bru when he gets back.
Dear Scotland: Are there any Scottish musicians, past or present, that have influenced you?
Ian Turnbull, Broken Records: A lot of us were properly getting into music just as the Chemikal Underground label was on the rise in the late 1990s so I think that definitely had an influence. Certainly The Delgados have had some influence on our music because we really liked their arrangements and use of interesting instruments while still writing accessible pop tunes. Me, Gill and Rory are also Mogwai fans and I think we’ve taken on board some of their use of dynamics. Studying in St Andrews the whole Fence scene was happening around us too, and King Creosote helped us make the first record for another band that Jamie and I were in at that time. Jamie’s original idea for Broken Records was for a label/collective similar to the Fence Collective where lots of bands and their members would play on each other’s songs, but it never really got beyond working with anyone else so we ended up with the label name accidentally becoming our band name.
Broken Records Interview with Dear Scotland, September 18, 2009
Official Blurb:
Broken Records formed in 2007 in Edinburgh, Scotland, and between the collective members brought together different musical backgrounds which now compliment the eclectic sound they create using a wide variety of instrumentation.
With their debut single ‘If The News Makes You Sad, Don’t Watch It, Broken Records created a huge industry buzz that would have several labels chasing their signature. They opted for cool indie label 4ad and released their debut album ‘Until the Earth Begins To Part’ to huge critical acclaim.
Since the release they have been touring the whole of Europe and playing at some of the most prestigous festivals.
The US awaits…
Band website:
Broken Records – Wolves
Photo Credit: PK Image
Confirmed SXSW gigs are listed below and will be updated if more shows are added.