One of Scotland’s most cherished and most popular singer songwriters will be making their first appearance at South by Southwest in 2010. Colin MacIntyre, formerly the driving force behind the Mull Historical Society, also happens to be one of the nicest men in pop. SXSW show details are below:
Dear Scotland spoke with Colin ahead of a few New York shows last year:
DS: Do you feel more Scottish when you are abroad, or do you adapt well to new places? Anything you’ll miss about Scotland?
Colin MacIntyre: I’m a Scot living in London, so I suppose I’m used to living away. When music started happening for me it was a learning curve to get used to being away and going to new places. But you realise that you’re lucky to have your music travel and to be able to travel with it. I’ve always got my Gran up on Mull for thr local gossip reports and the weather updates, so that’s never too far away. I think I adapt quite well, I’ve spent a lot of time in America, New York and St Augustine, Florida, where my in-laws are based now. I wrote ‘Island’ there on a borrowed guitar from the local stringed instrument shop. Each year I cycle along the coast with a candy apple and my i-Pod. To think Scotland and Mull is just on the other side…
DS: What is the best after-show experience you’ve had?
Colin MacIntyre: Most nights of the UK Tour I did with The Strokes few years back. It was great fun and we had many memorable nights all over the UK. But after the London gig was special and in the aftershow there were the Pet Shop Boys, Radiohead, Kate Moss, all sorts of people — it was an exciting tour. I remember trying to get the guys onto whisky that night to end the tour. I swallowed it to prove I was a Scot. But I HATE whisky. Only to see them well, just let’s say it didn’t make it down their throats. Wasn’t pretty, but they were great guys and I think a bond was formed.
Colin MacIntyre Interview with Dear Scotland, September 25, 2009
Official Blurb
Colin MacIntyre is one of the UK’s most respected songwriters & performers who has also released under the moniker ‘Mull Historical Society’. A multi-instrumentalist , writer and producer, MacIntyre hails from the Island of Mull (population: 2,000) off Scotland’s west coast.
A songwriting junkie, oblivious to passing trends, he has become more than just Mull’s local hero. His not-so-secret society is growing all the time. MacIntyre’s new album – Island – is his most intimate yet. It was conceived in America and recorded back home on the other side of the Atlantic, on the Isle of Mull in his old school, now an arts centre. At SXSW MacIntyre will be showcasing new material for 2010, as well as back catalogue tracks.
Band website:
Colin MacIntyre – The Final Arrears
Photo Credit: Craig Watson
Confirmed SXSW gigs are listed below and will be updated if and when more shows are added.