Many thanks to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts last week. It was incredibly difficult for us to narrow the field down to five, but in the end the Dear Scotland contributors settled on Adamson, Braithwaite, Jansch, Robertson and Young. This poll will close in exactly one week. So vote now.

I know that Roddy Hart and others will be surprised to see that John Martyn is missing from this list, I know that Vic Galloway and Kenny McColl will be slightly peeved that John McGeoch didn’t make the final five, I know that Alec Downie will continue to argue the case for Zal Cleminson and I’m pretty sure that all the Runrig fans who campaigned for their man Malcolm Jones will be disappointed when they read this, but I think we can all be proud of the five music legends listed below.

And though this poll will run for only one week, the comments section on these articles will remain open and unedited forever.

So, in alphabetical order, the Dear Scotland top five are:

Stuart Adamson (The Skids, Big Country)

“We tried as a band on numerous occasions to do something as good as Into The Valley. Stuart Adamson’s guitar playing left me feeling wholly inadequate. He had a big influence on me.” [The Edge]


Stuart Braithwaite (Mogwai)

“It would be Stuart Braithwaite for me, best by a mile IMO…. Anyone who’s seen or more appropriately HEARD him in action will surely agree….Those that havenae, be prepared….he can be very melodic….& a tad LOUD….” [Fiery Pict]


Bert Jansch

“At one point, I was absolutely obsessed with Bert Jansch. When I first heard that LP [1965], I couldn’t believe it. It was so far ahead of what everyone else was doing. No one in America could touch that.” [Jimmy Page]


Brian ‘Robbo’ Robertson (Thin Lizzy, Motorhead)

“In Cava Studios one day, with a bottle of Jack in tow, I watched Robbo play an incredible guitar solo in one take. I asked him how the feck he did it. He looked at me, put his hand on his heart, ran his fingers over his chest, along his arm and down to his fingertips as he confessed: ‘Well it starts here, and comes out here’.” [Alec Downie]


Angus Young (AC/DC)

“Alongside Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page and Tony Iommi, Angus is one of the greatest heavy blues/rock guitar players of all time — his touch is magic and instantly recognisable. I’m claiming him as one of ours!” [Vic Galloway]


Next week: Who is Scotland’s greatest ever drummer?

Photo Credit : Glasvegas at T in the Park by Two Thumbs Fresh