- Catch a Falling Star at the Barrowland Ballroom – Part 3 For those who enjoyed reminiscing about the Barrowland Ballroom in Parts One & Two, this is a more personal look at Alec’s favourite Barrowland gigs. It was going to be a top ten before he got lost in memories of laughs, tears, hugs and flying cups of pish and it became a magical top 50. Enjoy.
- Catch a Falling Star at the Barrowland Ballroom – Part 2 Dark stories of Bible John, memories of jitterbugging yanks, and tales of the only appearance in Scotland of Bill Haley & his Comets and The Rolling Stones being paid £5 to perform in 1964, steep the venue in Glasgow lore….. Alec Downie continues his love letter to the Barrowland Ballroom.
- Catch a Falling Star at the Barrowland Ballroom – Part 1 There can’t be a music fan in Scotland who has not had a few swallies in town before rambling up Argyle Street and nodding a cap to Glasgow Cross, entering the Gallowgate and then experienced that magical rush when turning that wee bend in the street that allows you to see the neon Barrowland sign […]